Law essay writing
Contrversal Topics For Proposal Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Soft Skills are Smart Skills Necessity of Soft Skills for LIS Professionals in this Twenty First Century Essay Example For Students
Delicate Skills are Smart Skills: Necessity of Soft Skills for LIS Professionals in this Twenty First Century Essay Delicate Skills are Smart Skills: Necessity of Soft Skills for LIS Professionals in this Twenty First Century Reflection Changing the clients cognizance and the designing created in this Twenty First Century, Library Professionals required to introduce new administrations, in light of client contribution. Overseeing and running this present century library, experts have a very specific occupation. So LIS experts ought to be required multi-skilled and multi-overlay characters. To make the achievement and including new arrangement of administrations in their libraries, this paper will help to LIS experts through Soft Skills.Various achievements need to go a decent pioneer. In Library build, on the off chance that you become a decent Librarian you should hold Library Professional Skills, Managerials Skills and Soft Skills. This paper depicts the need of delicate achievement for library experts. What's more, it drilled down the rundown of delicate achievements which are key to last adequately. Through this paper, we suggest all the library experts must get and execute delicate achievements so as to break t he consequence of their Library. Watchword: Library Science, LIS Professionals, Soft Skills, Twenty First Century Libraries, Librarianship. â€Å"Professional achievements may help to obtain your Job, But Soft achievements can do you a decent Librarian†. Presentation LIS experts need continuous preparing by new achievements. At that point just they become neglected in this quick evolving condition. Delicate achievements, going of import at the in the middle of level of library bearing. Library experts must be solid in unwritten, composed an e-correspondence with their regulars, colleagues and chiefs, This delicate achievements will do them increasingly viable to propel their library product and administrations through selling. What's more, thusly this will help them to demo their incentive to the parent association. They other than need great relational and systems administration achievement to communicate with clients and effectually unite with their collaborators. There is other than a turning acknowledgment that libraries and data administration show of import cultural and network map. In this manner, cultural and network building achievements are utile for data experts both for network of associates ( Abdus Sattar Chaudhry A ; Christopher S.G . Khoo ) . Definition Specialized experts in grouped subjects, for example, data building, innovation, engineering, and innovative work are dynamically required to widen their ranges of abilities to get the hang the supposed delicate achievements. Delicate achievements, as characterized by Wikipedia, are the pack of character characteristics, cultural graces, establishment with semantic correspondence, individual wonts, neighborliness, and good faith that evaluation individuals to evolving grades. Delicate achievements supplement troublesome achievements, which are the capable requests of an occupation. Set of Skills There are various kinds of achievements that can be procured. These achievements are classified under â€Å"Sets†dependent on their temperament. There are five sorts of â€Å"Sets†of achievements ( Vidya V. Hanchinal. 2014 ) Troublesome Skills: affirmations procured through completing a conventional guidance e.g.Certificates Specialized Skills: capacities fundamental to execute a particular occupation for example employability achievements Proficient Skills: expertness in proficient insight, for example learning achievements, corporate achievements. Fundamental abilities: advancing the deepest characteristics like tranquility of head, focus, positive vitality degrees, and so forth. For example Yoga, Meditation, Mind Power. Delicate Skills: a sociological term for a personaˆYs â€Å"EQ†( Emotional Intelligence Quotient ) which alludes to the bundle of character characteristics, cultural graces, discussing, capacity with semantic correspondence, individual wonts, neighborliness, and good faith that mark every one of us in evolving grades. Gupta Rajat ( 2012 ) . To recognize unmistakably between Hard achievements, Soft achievements and Life achievements as ; any sort of occupation/work/calling/exchange requires a lot of endeavors to be executed. These are troublesome achievements or Core achievements. So these achievements are rudimentss for accomplishment in proficient life. Delicate achievements, fix us to be adequate by others, with the goal that one can make soldier of fortune and psychometric progress in his/her calling. Also, Life achievements, fix us to make psycho-physical progress ( Inner Happiness ) throughout everyday life. Nishitesh and Reddi Bhaskara ( 2012 ) . The Mirror Of Time And Memory EssayDecision Delicate achievements, going impartant of Library experts in this twenty-first Century. A present century the internet gives additionally practicing of this Softskills. The union in delicate achievement improvement and best examples across subjects needs the Library Science class foundations need to accept how to learn delicate achievements viably. This paper presents and quickly referenced combination of delicate achievements prone to be significant significance to LIS experts. On the off chance that we begin to larn get bringing down from library logical control study itself, the huge distinction will be at that spot to kill their workplace. Of class, an ever increasing number of cutting edge strategies need to execute this delicate achievements to library surveies. Through this paper, we solicitation to add delicate achievements creating to all library and data classs curriculams. Notice Abdus Sattar, Chaudhry. , A ; Christopher, S.G. Khoo. ( 2008 ) . â€Å"Trend in LIS Education: Coverage of Soft achievements in Curricula†. Diary of Librarianship and Information Studies, 66,1-13. Goeran Nieragden, ( 2000 ) . ‘The Soft Skills of Business English’ , The Weekly September 2000. hypertext move convention:/ Accessed on ( Dec-2014 ) . Gupta Rajat ( 2012 ) . â€Å"Soft Skills: Tools for Success†, Yking Books, Jaipur, P.4 Nishitesh and Reddi Bhaskara ( 2012 ) .†Soft Skills and Life Skills: The Dynamics of Success†, BSC Publishers and Distributors, Hyderabad, P.16 Vidya V. Hanchinal ( 2014 ) .†Developing Leadership Qualities in Librarians through Soft Skills†, Episteme: an online interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary amp ; multi-social journal,6 ( 4 ) . Sridhar ( 2000 ) , â€Å"Skill Requirements of LIS Professionals in the New E-World†, Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies, 36. ( 3 ) Pp.141-149. TFPL Skills Set: Knowledge and Information Management Skills toolbox. hypertext move convention:/ Access on ( Dec-2014 ) . Fisher ( 2004 ) . â€Å"Workforce Skills Development: The Professional Imperative for Information Services in the United Kingdom.†Australian Library and Information Association 2004 Biennial Conference. Sydney, 19 June 2004. S.P. Singh A ; Pinki ( 2009 ) . â€Å"New Skills for LIS experts in Technology-Intensive Environment†. ICAL 2009 †CHANGE MANAGEMENT, Pp.331 - 336
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The brain :: essays research papers
Occipital, Frontal, and Temporal Lobes The occipital projections are the focal point of our visual observation framework. They are not especially defenseless against injury in view of their area at the rear of the cerebrum, albeit any noteworthy injury to the mind could create unpretentious changes to our visual-perceptual framework, for example, visual field imperfections and scotomas. The Peristriate locale of the occipital projection is engaged with visuospatial preparing, segregation of development and shading separation (Westmoreland et al., 1994). Harm to the other side of the occipital flap causes homonomous loss of vision with precisely the equivalent "field cut" in the two eyes. Scatters of the occipital flap can cause visual mind flights and fantasies. Visual visualizations (visual pictures with no outside boosts) can be brought about by sores to the occipital district or fleeting flap seizures. Visual fantasies (twisted observations) can appear as items seeming bigger or littler than they real ly are, objects lacking shading or articles having strange shading. Sores in the parietal-fleeting occipital affiliation region can cause word visual impairment with composing hindrances (alexia and agraphia) (Kandel, Schwartz & Jessell, 1991). Frontal Lobe The Frontal Lobe is liable for cognizance and memory. The prefrontal zone enables one to focus, judgment and hindrance just as character and enthusiastic attributes. The premotor territory is answerable for capacity of willful exercises and engine designs. The engine zone gives intentional engine action. Language is an engine discourse. Transient Lobe Area of the transient projection is close to the sanctuaries simply over the ear waterway. Elements of the transient flap are to: Control hearing; from birth an infant can hear totally. The transient projection in the mind is completely evolved before the child is conceived. Language use; talking is firmly connected to hearing, and since individuals can hear they respond by utilizing language as methods for correspondence. Feelings, particularly dread has an impact in this job. Some mind boggling parts of vision, including the capacity to see examples, for example, faces. At the point when the transient flap is harmed it causes:  · Deficits or confinements in comprehension and understanding expressed words  · May cause an absence of dread if the enthusiastic reactions are done working (an individual seeing a snake may not be apprehensive on the grounds that they don’t comprehend what the article even is)
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Rioters Share their Best of the Backlist 2017
Rioters Share their Best of the Backlist 2017 Dont let your backlist from 2017 grow any bigger! Were giving away a stack of our 20 favorite books of the year. Click here to enter, or just click the image below. The year of 2017 has been great for books, and there has been no shortage of exciting titles being published weekly. But sometimes the frenzy to keep up with whats current can seem hamster wheel hopeless. Whenever I feel overwhelmed with reading whats new, I try to fit a backlist title in there. According to Publishing Trendsetter, the term backlist refers to older books published before, well, right now: its a publishing term to describe titles listed in the back of the catalogue, rather than pushed to the frontlist and featured more prominently. Time traveling backward in book publishing history can help you discover an author, series, or genre you overlooked and provide some welcome perspective on today. In this list, 21 Book Riot writers give a backlist bump to the best backlist book (pre-2017) they read this year. What backlist book did you read and love? Share your recommendation in a comment! Sarah S. Davis So Youve Been Publicly Shamed (2015) by Jon Ronson Reading Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (2015) was a transformative experience for me. Up until then, I had read fiction almost exclusively. When another Rioter recommended this book, I was curious and decided to take a chance on nonfiction. I’m so glad I did. Ronson’s smart, witty, and self-deprecating narrative style makes him an entertaining host through the wilds of the Internet and public shaming across history. I appreciated how digestible the book reads while Ronson ultimately brings it all together in a sobering ending. After this book, I also read The Psychopath Test and listened to The Butterfly Effect, both by the author. So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed helped open the doors for me to feel confident reading nonfiction. It was a gateway book. Susie Dumond The Fire Next Time (1963) by James Baldwin I spent a portion of 2017 brushing up on my Baldwin and I’m so glad I did. If you’re a fan of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s work, go back to his inspiration and read The Fire Next Time. The book consists of two letters written at the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation. The first letter is addressed to Baldwin’s young nephew and the second to the American people, both exploring the history of race in the U.S. and calling for an end to racial injustice. Baldwin’s writing is powerful and personal, and this book is as important in 2017 as it was in 1963. Leah Rachel von Essen A Writers Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf (1953) edited by Leonard Woolf I’ve dug more into Virginia Woolf this year. I read The Waves and fell in love with the poetic brilliance of the textâ€"it’s now one of my all-time favorite books. I had heard a lot of great things about A Writer’s Diary, which is a collection of her diary entries specifically about her books and her writing, and so I picked it up from Persephone Books in London when I was there in September. It’s led me to a new appreciation of her literary genius, and given me perspective as I read through her struggles with mental health and with the ebbs of fame. It is so gorgeous, and I think might be one of those rare books that literally changes my life. Her passionate work ethic (she was writing The Waves and Orlando at the same time!) and compelling diary-writing have led me to make my journaling more reflective and work harder on my novel-writing, setting better deadlines and expectations for myself. Kathleen Keenan The Vegetarian (English edition 2016; Korean 2007) by Han Kang This novel about Yeong-hye, who stops eating meat after a disturbing dream and encounters resistance and violence from her husband and family as she becomes increasingly unable to eat, is itself like a dark dream. The tension builds steadily as Kang switches perspectives from Yeong-hye to her brother-in-law to her older sister. This novel was praised to the skies when Deborah Smith’s translation of the original Korean was published in 2016. Kang’s ability to create an ever-increasing sense of unease and her seamless perspective switching are two reasons why. Rachel Brittain The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (2014) by Becky Chambers I’m always a sucker for good sci-fi, and The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet is some of the best sci-fi I’ve read in a while. It tells the story of Rosemary Harper, the newest addition to the Wayfarer, an interspecies ship specializing in creating hyperspace tunnels. Although there is some intrigue and conflict and drama, the book is far more focused on character and world-building than plotâ€"and believe me, in this case, that’s not at all a bad thing! Chambers develops some of the best and most thoughtful sci-fi world-building I’ve ever seenâ€"considering similarities and differences between humans and other “Sapiens,†in a host of ways including biology, gender, and cultural beliefs/practices, to name a few. It’s truly refreshing to read a book that doesn’t consider humansâ€"and particularly the cultural constructs we often take for absoluteâ€"as the norm. Between that and the fact that I absolutely fell in love with the cast of characters, this book (and I feel safe to assume, the rest of the series, which is ongoing) has become a new favorite for me. Aimee Miles The Girls at the Kingfisher Club (2014) by Genevieve Valentine I’ve written about my love of fairy tales, but it means that at this point in my life I am incredibly particular about them. For me, a good retelling needs to explore the story in a way that hasn’t been done ad nauseum. This is one of the best retellings. 12 Dancing Princesses is not a well-trodden story (Get it? Like their shoes?), and Valentine takes us to 1920’s NYC for the setting. The story is about the love of 12 siblings all set against a uncaring father. The oldest, Jo, takes the girls to nighttime speakeasies to burn off their energy and frustration. Valentine somehow makes each of the 12 sisters distinctive, though some don’t get quite as much page time as the others. Jo struggles with the pull of her own wishes against her responsibilities toward her many sisters. She worries that she’s an instrument of her father, keeping her sisters subdued for him, rather than their champion, keeping them safe from him. It’s a fairly quiet novel, but it moves along with clea n prose and little need to tie itself to the original tale. This book is perfect in my opinion and I went to re-read looking for its warm embrace. Jessica Woodbury True Grit (1968) by Charles Portis Sometimes you stumble into one of your favorite books of all time because you wake up in the morning, open the Audible Daily Deal email, and you see that your favorite author, Donna Tartt, is narrating the book today. For just $2.95 it seemed like a pretty safe bet even if it was a Western. Meeting a book can be serendipitous like that. Like a rom com where you see a scruffy guy in a cowboy hat across the room, and sure, he doesn’t look like your type at all, but when you get to talking something clicks. It can feel kind of like you’ve met your soulmate in book form. Even though I’d met this book’s close relative in the movie adaptation, I had no idea that when I met the book, sparks would fly. Yes, please, give me a book narrated by a curt, opinionated spinster about the naively bold girl she once was. Let me listen to her share her adventures interspersed with observations on townsfolk she doesn’t like. Let me listen to this woman who has remained, for decades, utterly he rself, inimitable and cantankerous and uncompromising. Oh, yes, there are also outlaws and rangers and manhunts and snakes. Those are all good, too. Kate Scott The Monster of Florence (2008) by Douglas Preston Mario Spezi After reading The Lost City of the Monkey God earlier this year, I decided to explore Preston’s backlist. I don’t read much true crime, but the intriguing tale of a brutal serial killer stalking the picturesque groves of Florence was too enticing to pass up. The Monster of Florence describes an enthralling case, with more twists and turns than a James Patterson novel, but it goes much deeper than that. There are three things that make this account truly exceptional. The first is that the co-author, Mario Spezi, was actually arrested for the murders at one point. How many true crime books have you read in which the author is also a suspect? The second is that it exposes the corruption of the Italian legal system. It’s not just a book about a series of gruesome murders; it’s also a book about justice gone wrong. And third, it details the roles some of the main actors in the Monster of Florence case played in the Amanda Knox case, an angle that further condemns an unhinged crimi nal justice system. Bottom line: The Monster of Florence is a page-turner with a purpose. If you’re looking for your next true crime read, pick this one up ASAP. Elizabeth Allen The House on Mango Street (1991) by Sandra Cisneros This beautiful heartbreaker of a book had been on my radar for a few years, but I just never made it a priority. I was lucky to pick up a copy at my library’s annual book sale last year and earlier this year found myself needing to break a particularly bad reading slump. Books on the shorter side tend to be the magic bullet for me in this respect, so I grabbed my used copy of Mango Street off of the shelf. And, as anticipated, this did the trick. Cisneros’s use of vibrant, complicated language in a middle grade book shows that she implicitly trusts and respects her audience. This is one of those books where I was shocked to learn of its publication date, as it has taken on the “classics†mantle in such a short period of time. Alice Burton Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War (2006) by Nathaniel Philbrick This book has been on my shelf for 10 years, and a recent move plus it being Thanksgiving time brought it to my attention. Philbrick takes care to tell as much as he can of both sides of the story, while having to rely overwhelmingly on Pilgrim accounts. He tells the story of the Pilgrim settlers and the native tribes they met, starting from the Pilgrims’ time in Holland as a persecuted religious sect, to the end of King Philip’s War, the last ditch effort by King Philip to stop the English takeover of his and other tribes’ lands. Christina Orlando Every Heart a Doorway (2016) by Seanan McGuire I will readily admit to being a grown woman who still dreams of getting her Hogwarts letter or finding a magical door that will lead me away from the real world. This book is for people like me who know, deep in that secret imaginative part of them, that they belong somewhere else. The book follows young Nancy, having just returned from a fantastic land, as she enters a school dedicated to rehabilitating those returning to the real world after having similar experiences. There is magic, murder, science, and an asexual protagonist (!!!). It’s a relatively recent publication by an author with an impressive and renowned backlist, and a quick read that will leave you feeling jealous of those who have found their magical door. Rincey Abraham We Gon Be Alright: Notes on Race and Resegregation (2016) by Jeff Chang In this essay collection, Jeff Chang connects the Black Lives Matter Movement to #OscarsSoWhite to the re-segregation of towns throughout the United States and how that led to the events in Ferguson and around the country. Even if you already know about these events, Chang highlights a lot of the details behind the beginnings of these movements, how they all connect to each other, and how they have led to where we are today. This is a required reading book for people living in the United States because it not only will show you why things are the way they are, but how we can and should move forward as a country. Priya Sridhar Modern Romance (2015) by Aziz Ansari The road to true love has lots of potholes, false ends, and sometimes technology as a hindrance. Aziz Ansari, after realizing how stressful texting a date can be, decides to explore how courtship has changed over the past few decades. He talks to his parents about arranged marriages, for example, and to Japanese businessmen about updated technology. We get a lot of research and insight into society, and how we view romance. Abby Hargreaves The Kitchen Boy: A Novel of the Last Tsar (2003) by Robert Alexander With an incredibly strong voice, the narrator of Robert Alexander’s The Kitchen Boy tells the story of the final days of the Romanovs’ story and his involvement in their deaths. Graphic at times, the book is heart-wrenching and gripping despite sparse action. Even readers who know the royalties’ fates will hold on to shreds of hope as they come to the final pages. The Kitchen Boy is one to read slowly to truly appreciate the excellent and delicious prose while savoring the incredible story through which Alexander leads his readers. Plus, a shocking twist at the end will make you want to flip to the beginning and start again. It’s mind-boggling to me this book hasn’t received more attention and I want to shout from the rooftops, “Read this book!†Danielle Bourgon The Night Circus (2011) by Erin Morgenstern This book has been rave reviewed by absolutely everyone I know and now I can rave about its greatness with the best of them. I’ve never read something that had such vivid imagery and such a distinct feel. I’ve read a few books since that were described as read-alikes, but nothing has come close. The writing was magical and full of moments that have stuck with me all year. If you have even a small inkling of wanting to read this one. Do it. Right now. Seriously, go grab it! I’ll be here to talk over how incredible it is when you’re done. Kate Krug Dark Matter (2016) by Blake Crouch This book utterly blew my mind. I stayed up until 3am to finish and then just laid in my bed afterward thinking about life and the universe and other metaphysical things I’ve only really thought about in my college philosophy class. Dark Matter is a smart thriller that makes you question life as you know it and I was on the edge of my seat (or bed) until the end. Believe the hype, people. It’s real. Sarah Ullery Thunder Lightning: Weather Past, Present, Future (2015) by Lauren Redniss If you talk to me about weather, I promise I will never be bored. This is a graphic novel about weather and our relationship with weather. The pictures were drawn on location, and according to the author were given their unique effect by two different printmaking techniques: copperplate photogravure etchings and photopolymer processâ€"meaningless to someone who knows nothing about art, but the pictures were so stand out gorgeous that I was curious how they were made. Also, before this book, I had never heard of Svalbard (small archipelago north of Norway) or the Atacama Desert in Chile, which are now two places I’d desperately like to travel to. Emily Polson Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (2015) by Becky Albertalli An adorable YA love story that takes place mostly through anonymous emails between two boys who haven’t yet come out to the world. I loved everything about this book. The narrative is split between Simon’s POV and the emails he exchanges with the mysterious Blue, which drives the story forward with lots of little emotional cliffhangers. While the love story is the driving focus of the plot, there are plenty of moments of character growth that take the book deeper. I loved Simon’s thoughts on how growing up is a continual series of “coming out†to the people in your life in different ways. Every time you change at all, you have to “reintroduce [yourself] to the universe all over again.†Tasha Brandstatter Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (2016) by Trevor Noah I generally give memoirs a wide berth, so it’s a testament to this book that it’s one of my favorite reads of the year. Noah is a ridiculously good storytellerâ€"he knows exactly when to misdirect and when to lay it on the line. There are so many memorable moments: the sneaky pooping incident; when he went to meet his father as an adult (made me sob all over the place); go Hitler; Fufi the dog. It’s touching and hilarious and sad and thoughtful and all the things. Plus I learned about a culture and country I with which I was completely unfamiliar. Noah deserves every accolade for this book and I can’t recommend it enough. Laura Sackton The Goldfinch (2013) by Donna Tartt I loved this book for its gorgeous writing and complex characters, but all I really want to talk about is the audio. The audio is SO GOOD. Please imagine me jumping up and down, screaming excitedly, and fist pumping right now, because I cannot do it justice with this demure little blurb. I have listened to a lot of audiobooks this year, and many of them have been fantastic, but none of them have even come close to being as good as The Goldfinch. I think about the audio of this book on an at-least-weekly basis, and it gives me shivers. Actual shivers. Like, “isn’t it incredible that something as perfect as the audio of The Goldfinch exists in the world!†shivers. David Pittu not only voices a range of characters with stunning precision, but executes the first person narration of the novel with power, fluidly, and astonishing grace. It did not feel like someone reading a work of fiction; listening to it was like being inside the book itself. Donna Tartt wrote a breathtaking book, but it is Pittu’s narration that landed it a place on my list of all-time favorite novels. Ann Foster The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson: A True Story of Love and Murder (1997) by Lois Simmie With true crime literature, podcasts, and documentaries having something of a golden age, I was interested to read this award-winning classic of the genre. It’s a highly engaging read, using documents and old photographs to recreate the baffling and cruel actions of the titular sergeant, the only Canadian Mountie ever convicted of murder. Wilson is a cipher, clearly charismatic as he inelegantly juggles two marriages on both sides of the Atlantic, his mountain of lies less and less credible as the charade goes on. Both a cautionary tale of marital abuse and the inspiring take of one woman’s determination to get justice for her sister, it’s at once uniquely Canadian and instantly universal. The picture it paints of turn of the century Saskatchewan is also notable and sets this work apart from other tales of historical true crime. Whats the best backlist book you read this year?
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Lion Facts Habitat, Behavior, Diet
Lions (Panthera leo) are the largest of all African cats. Once roaming most of Africa, as well as large parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, today they are found in patches in Africa and one population on the Indian subcontinent. They are the second largest cat species in the world, smaller than only the tiger. Fast Facts: Lion Scientific Name: Panthera leoCommon Name: LionBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 5.5–8.5 feet longWeight: 330–550 poundsLifespan: 10–14 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Groups in Africa, and IndiaPopulation: 23,000–39,000Conservation Status: Vulnerable Description About 73,000 years ago, ancient shifts in the African climate segregated the lions into small groups, and over time characteristics evolved to match the separate environments: some larger, some with larger manes or darker coats. The largest of these was the Barbary lion of North Africa, which measured some 27–30 feet long with a long, serpentine tail of 3.5 feet. Geneticists have identified two subspecies of lion: Panthera leo leo (found in India, North, Central, and West Africa) and P. l. melanochaita (in Eastern and Southern Africa). These lions have coats that range in color from nearly white to tawny yellow, ash brown, ochre, and deep orange-brown. They have a tuft of dark fur at the tip of their tail, are typically about 5.5–8.5 feet long and weigh between 330 and 550 pounds. Male and female lions exhibit sexual dimorphism: Female lions are smaller than males and have a uniformly colored coat of a tawny brown color. Females also lack a mane. Males have a thick, woolly mane of fur that frames their face and covers their neck. Lions closest living relatives are the Jaguars, followed by leopards and tigers. They have two recognized extinct ancestors, the American lion (Panthera atrox) and the cave lion (Panthera fossilis). Aprison Photography/Getty Images Habitat and Range Although they primarily are found in savanna areas, lions can be found everywhere in Africa, except the tropical rainforest and the interior of the Sahara desert. They live in habitats from sea level to the mountain slopes up to 13,700 feet, including Mt. Kilimanjaro. The dry deciduous Gir forest of northwest India contains a lion preserve known as the Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary. Surrounding the sanctuary is an area inhabited by ethnic Maldharies pastoralists and their livestock. Diet Lions are carnivores, a subgroup of mammals that also includes animals such as bears, dogs, raccoons, mustelids, civets, hyenas, and the aardwolf. Lion prey preference is for medium to large ungulates like gemsbok and other antelopes, buffalo, giraffes, zebras, and wildebeest; however, they will eat almost any animal, from rodents to rhinoceros. They avoid animals with sharp horns (like sable antelope), or animals smart enough to graze in large herds (like elands). Warthogs are smaller than lion typical preferences, but since they are common in the savannas, they are common parts of lion diets. In India, lions eat domestic cattle when available, but mostly consume wild Chital deer. Lions drink water when available, but otherwise, get required moisture from their prey or from plants like tsamma melons in the Kalahari desert. Behavior Lions live in densities between 1.5 to 55 adult animals per 38.6 square miles (1 square kilometer). They are social creatures and live in groups of about four to six adults called prides. Prides typically include two males and three or four females and their offspring; the adults leave the pride to hunt in pairs or singly. Prides in India tend to be smaller in size, with two females. Lions play-fight as a means of honing their hunting skills. When they play-fight, they dont bare their teeth and keep their claws retracted so as to not inflict injury on their partner. Play-fighting is a training and practice exercise, to assist in efficiency in tackling prey and to establish relationships among the pride members. It is during play that lions work out which members of the pride are to chase and corner their quarry and which members of the pride are the ones to go in for a kill. Reproduction and Offspring Lions reproduce sexually. They mate year-round, but breeding usually peaks during the rainy season. Their gestation lasts between 110 and 119 days. A litter usually consists of between one and six lion cubs, the average is between 2–3. Newborn cubs are born weighing between 27–56 ounces. They are blind and deaf at first: their eyes and ears open within the first two weeks. Lion cubs begin to hunt at 5–6 months and stay with their mothers until they are between 18 months and 3 years. Females reach sexual maturity at 4 years and males at 5 years. Luxy Images/Getty Images Evolutionary History Today there are less than 40,000 lions on our planet, but lions were much more common and widespread in the past: They disappeared from Europe during the first century CE, and from the Middle East and most of Asia by 1950. Modern cats first appeared about 10.8 million years ago. Lions, along with jaguars, leopards, tigers, snow leopards, and clouded leopards, split off from all other cat lineages early in the evolution of the cat family and today form what is known as the Panthera lineage. Lions shared a common ancestor with jaguars which lived about 810,000 years ago. Conservation Status The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies all subspecies of the lion as vulnerable, and in 2013, the ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System in the United States classified P.l. leo as endangered, and P.l. melanochaita as threatened. Threats Major threats to lions include habitat and prey loss resulting from a growing human population and climate change, as well as invasive species, agricultural effluents, diseases like canine distemper, and human retaliation for lion attacks. Illegal hunting and poaching for medicinal purposes and trophies have also impacted lion populations. Legal sport hunting is considered a useful management tool, providing needed income at sanctuary facilities if it is conducted at a sustainable offtake of about one male lion per 775 square miles. Levels higher than that have been documented in several countries in Africa as detrimental to the overall lion populations. Sources Bauer, H. et al. Panthera leo (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T15951A115130419, 2016Bauer, H., and S. Van Der Merwe. Inventory of Free-Ranging Lions Panthera Leo in Africa. Oryx 38.1 (2004): 26-31. Print.Evans, Sara. When the Last Lion Roars: The Rise and Fall of the King of the Beasts. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.Hayward, Matt W., and Graham I. H. Kerley. Prey Preferences of the Lion (Panthera Leo). Journal of Zoology 267.3 (2005): 309–22. Print.Riggio, Jason, et al. The Size of Savannah Africa: A Lion’s (Panthera Leo) View. Biodiversity and Conservation 22.1 (2013): 17–35. Print.Singh, H.S. The Gir Lion: Panthera Leo-persica: a Natural History, Conservation Status, and Future Prospect. Gujarat, India: Pugmark Qmulus Consortium, 2007.Species Profile for Lion (Panthera leo ssp. leo). ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2016.Species Profile for Lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita). ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2016.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music Festivals And The Environment - 981 Words
Music Festivals and the Environment Music festivals throughout the years have become one the fastest growing phenomenons known to the young and old. All over the world millions of people gather in one place to enjoy various artists, foods and good company. What most of the world does not realize is the environmental shock these extremely popular festivals are putting on our planet. The most notable ideas concerning waste, traffic and travel, and the status and outcomes of environmental ideas and impacts on our planet in the music festival culture come from, and Judith Mair and Jennifer Laing. Countless hours spending your whole day in one place, forgetting water bottles and obviously getting hungry, as humans these acts are just part of our nature. Many thousands of people to feed and hydrate there is no doubt about it the waste construction would be a considerable issue at music festivals. Trash is known to be the most catastrophic problem regarding the environment at these festivals. The main pr oblem is too much trash and not enough places to store it or simply just the laziness of festival goers not respecting their surroundings, â€Å"81% of people strongly agreed or agreed that they would most likely separate their trash is separate bins (†, furthermore the initial problem is that even though there is waste bins not enough people are disposing of their trash. Many festivals now days are realizing that waste management hasShow MoreRelatedLiving A Sustainable And Eco Friendly Lifestyle1169 Words  | 5 Pageseco-friendly lifestyle has become a popular trend as more research is shedding light on the importance that these activities play to humanity and the planet. As music festivals continue to grow in size and attendance, the impact that these events have on the planet is changing the way humans interact with the environment. 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Political, Economical, Social Effects of Globalization Free Essays
string(130) " is therefore clear that globalization only benefits developed countries more while leaving developing countries with less gains\." Globalization has been the main theme of most news articles, magazines and even to most policies that exist in many countries around the globe today. Globalization transforms various things and ideas in order to come up with a new set of products and services that will meet the present demand of the market. With the increasing knowledge of many scholars regarding the effects of globalization to political, social, and economic status of different nations across the globe, it would be extraordinary on observing how people from different walks of life react to the benefits and loses that globalization has been offering to the international community. We will write a custom essay sample on Political, Economical, Social Effects of Globalization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Though, many still believes that there are far more losers than gainers with the existence of globalization in the international community, the fact that the said global phenomenon continuous to become prevalent even to the developing countries nowadays serves as the evidence that globalization is indeed having enough influence to penetrate even the most conservative countries with respect to embracing global changes and pressures. Globalization has profound both negative and positive effects to the field of politics, society, and economics and since these three fields signifies the entire sectors of a nation/country it would be necessary and beneficial for a given government to determine the effects of globalization on their country. This global phenomenon has been the source of down turns and competitive advantages of different countries around the globe which can be seen to many developed and developing countries of different regions around the globe. With the inability to determine the kind of effect that globalization is providing into a given country, there is a great possibility that either this country would be able to fully utilize their potential gains to its optimal level or this country would just let globalization to destroy the stability of its various vital sectors. Therefore, it would be very important to pinpoint the effects of globalization to the said identified three fields above in order for a given country to determine how they will use globalization in order to attain impressive political, social, and economic stability in the present and coming years. At the end of this paper, expect a set of alternatives wherein countries can utilize globalization into their major source of competitive advantage and ways in order to protect their interest on the negative effects of globalization into the various sectors of a given country. Effects of Globalization to Political Stability Globalization has been being associated with democracy for many political analysts say that in order to attain the optimal benefits of globalization one must first embrace democracy (Hewa Stapleton 2005: 1-2). With the launching of Bush administration’s â€Å"Freedom Agenda†, which main objective is to democratically transform Arabic countries through encouraging most Arabic countries to open their market [globalization] and with the opening of their market to international trading comes democratization according to the speech made by Bush during the G8 Summit at Prague last 2007 (Burnett 2007: 1) (Yerkes 2006: 1), presently the Middle East is becoming a democratic region as many countries are starting to open their market into the international market and embrace the idealism behind globalization. In this regard, it is clear that globalization provides enough force for most of the Arabic countries like Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Pakistan to accept democracy and become one of the United States to promote democracy around the international community. Another effect of globalization’s rise would be the relaxation of some of the â€Å"serious†international policies of different countries to give way on the entry of globalization into their doors. Globalization has been greatly associated with international trading and most countries concentrates on regulating their trading volume with other countries for the past years. Globalization promotes free market principle wherein there would be as much as possible less government interference that will happen in the market and this can only be achieved through the relaxation of some of the current government policies that impedes the existence of free market system in the international market. At the end of the day, by the time those â€Å"serious†government policies pertaining to international trading is already relaxed, then that is the only time wherein gains from globalization can be realized. The only thing that makes this scenario negative to some countries is that only the developed countries receives the highest benefits from the relaxation of government policies of the trading countries while developing countries are being left with fewer gains relative to the developed countries. This is the main reason why many are opposing to globalization since they believe that this will only make rich countries richer while poor countries poorer considering that most of the benefits will still fall under the sides of rich/developed countries in the international market. Furthermore, globalization is said to be deteriorating the autonomy of many countries around the globe as pressures coming from the external market continues to leave no room for less influential countries to oppose the demands of developed countries when it comes to shaping the formers international trading policies (Sarget 2003: 3) (Held McGrew 2000: 13). Like for instance, the United States, for many years, has been keeping its hands to the policy making decisions of most developing countries like the Philippines which at first seems beneficial to both countries. But through close analysis one can see clearly that United States already stands into the sovereignty of the Philippines while at the same time receives most of the benefits from the said trading partnership. In this regard, globalization serves as a tool in order for developed countries to easily hold on and gets into the sovereignty of developing countries like for the case of the Philippines wherein they left with no choice but grant the demands of the United States in exchange for a small amount of gain even if it will cost their sovereignty or autonomy. Based from the identified effects of globalization above, it is therefore clear that globalization only benefits developed countries more while leaving developing countries with less gains. You read "Political, Economical, Social Effects of Globalization" in category "Papers" Both developed and developing countries gain from the advent of globalization although it also led for the developed countries to get into the way of developing countries and become more powerful in the international community compared. Effects of Globalization to Social Stability. It was identified above that only the developed countries benefits more from the advent of globalization in the international community as compared to the developing countries. In response to this inequality, various groups, organizations of the society have been organizing mass demonstrations in order to condemn the said inequality when it comes to the distribution of gains from the advent of globalization plus the interference of most developed countries to the sovereignty of many developing countries. Pro and anti-globalization groups have been on conflict which created various social conflicts between both parties. It has been identified that the rise of globalization led for many countries to suffer from the lose of nationhood as many of its sector starts experiencing instability like geographical political instability, rise of â€Å"trans-border†ethnic and religious identities to name a few. With this differences, political instability and conflict of various communities and civic groups within and outside the territorial boundaries of many countries around the globe caused by globalization was identified as one of the many reasons why cold war exists between many countries nowadays and from the past and one possible example to this would be the cold war between Yugoslavia and Soviet Union. The big question now would be if whether democracy, which is caused by globalization, could solve the internal stability that reigns on many countries nowadays (Raghavan 1997: 1). Another social effect of globalization would be the down turn of the labor union in many countries like the case of the United States. During the 1970s when the presence of globalization starts to exist in the market system of United States, there was a pressure for the economy of the United States to recover after World War II thereby leading for the rise of the private sector and rise of the free market system on the domestic market of United States. In this regard, most of the federal laws and regulations supported the interest of private sector leaving labor union with less bargaining power and support from the government in the form of government policies. Labor union membership in the United States during that time starts to deteriorate as the working class begins to lose their trust regarding the power of labor unions to protect the interest of its members. Actually, it was not only the membership of labor union that was affected, even the number of labor union on the domestic market of United States begins to decline resulting to rampant injustices coming from the members of the private sector (DeLong 1999: 1). Wages of the workers were cut at least twice a year plus different kinds of harassment were just some of the injustices that American workers experienced with the birth of globalization in United States. Countless mass demonstrations were held by the remaining labor unions during that time in order to show their opposition on the rise of private sectors power backed up by government policies due to globalization. It took years before this social conflict between the private sector and labor union community to settle down by the time the federal government starts shifting their support from the private sector going to the labor union during the early 1990’s (Rodrick 1997: 4-5). Therefore, globalization does not only disrupt the sovereignty of many nations, but also provides internal instabilities even on developed countries like the case of United States which causes social conflicts between different social class, civic groups to name a few. Effects of Globalization to Economic Stability Despite of the fact that globalization only led developing countries to lose their grip on their autonomy/sovereignty, globalization still provide enough room for the improvement of their economic growth (Hoang Liao 2002: 2). Globalization, as what have already discussed earlier, provides an avenue towards the attainment of greater gains from international trading. International trading has been the main source of wealth and influences of many countries in the international community since the higher a country’s role on the international market, the greater is the probability that it can influence the supply or prices of goods in the global market. Globalization provides enough avenue towards the influx of foreign investment from developed to developing countries which offers additional job opportunities to the workers of the latter while giving competitive advantages to the former. In this regard, both of the trading countries benefits from this kind of market set up. With the improvement of number of job opportunities for developing countries, households will now receive higher income, and with higher household income comes higher domestic activities awaits local investors (Goldberg Pavcnik 2006: 1). In the end, developing countries become self sustainable by using the foreign investments in order to improve the welfare condition of every households of a given country plus their trade balance which is one of the main economic indicator of how well a country is performing in the international market. Look at the case of China, with its cheap and abundant supply of laborers for many multinational companies from different countries have given the said country impressive economic growth for the past years during the time globalization forced many multinational companies to operate internationally and outsourced some of their products to other countries (Hoang Liao 2002: 18-19). With this, China presently becomes one of the top performing countries around the globe in terms of volume of exports plus large foreign reserves generated from their surpluses from their trade balance. Many countries are becoming dependent on the products and laborers of China such as the United States despite of the fact that the former is still being considered by many countries as a developing one. Furthermore, globalization provides enough pressure for different industries of various countries to become innovative in developing new products to supply the growing needs of man kind. The development of new product provides competitive advantage for a given country since the latter can monopolize the production of that particular product which in the end would grant the country on issue higher income and influence in the international market. For instance, the innovations of Microsoft on its software in the market provides enough room for the United States to have more influence in the international market since they have the competitive advantage in producing software for personal computers present in the market. Globalization dictated to many consumers in the international market that computers nowadays are already necessity and one must have a personal computer with software from Microsoft. With this booming demand for Microsoft’s software, United States starts experiencing improvement on their income, trade balance and bargaining power with other countries. In other words, through globalization, the booming of the IT industry in the United States would not be as high as it is today and the federal government will not be able to charge Microsoft with higher tax if the latter’s products did not successfully penetrated its target market. At the end of the day, it is therefore clear that globalization serves as a tool in order for both developing and developed countries to mutually gain from its existence in the global community through the improvement of country’s trade balance, job opportunities, per capita income and domestic consumption. Effects of Globalization on Technology Technology serves as the main driving forces of many globalization processes especially in the field of international trading. Many countries spent billions of dollars just to invest on technologically advanced machineries and equipment that will further increase their production level and efficiency (Rand. org 2008: 1). Technology, aside from capital and labor, is among the main factors of production in today’s market system as well as the source of competitive advantages of many countries in overcutting the performance of their competitors in the international market. The know-how of technology of a given country could contribute for the attainment of impressive growth like for the case of Japan who presently leads the production of various lines of appliances, automobiles, mobile phones to name a few. Japan has been known for its ability to surpass the technology of many top nations in the international market. Despite the fact that it is still being considered among the developing countries, still, Japan has been able to compete at par with top developed countries like United States, United Kingdom to name a few. In this regard, considering the case of Japan, it is therefore clear that globalization has been forcing the development of technology beyond its limits in order to suffice the growing needs and demand of the international community when it comes to machineries and gadgets that would make their everyday living easier and more comfortable. Effects of Globalization on Culture. With the increasing integration and linkages/connectivity between various region and countries of the international community, there has been a transfer of cultural influences between those countries that interact with one another (Tomlinson 2006: 2-3). Like for instance, with the improvement of the trading condition between the Philippines and United States, the former starts to imitate Western style of living after becoming familiar with the customers, preferences, tastes, and behavior of American through the transfer of products between the ports of the said two countries. Asians has been known for their ability to imitate Western style of living through consuming imported products from western countries. With globalization, the entry of western products will now be much greater as compared before leading for countries in Asia to become more familiar and exposed to western products. At the end of the day, the transfer of customs, style of living, and product preferences will serve as the main tool of globalization to culturally link different countries. By exposing each trading country’s product to one another would provide enough roads for one country to influence one another like for the case of United States and Asian countries like the Philippines and Japan. Conclusion Though globalization has negative effects being imposed to both developing and developed countries, at the end of the day when we add all of the benefits and loses caused by globalization, the result would provide a positive answer; meaning the global community did gain from the advent of globalization in the international market. As for the developing countries, they must tried to find other ways in order to attract more foreign investment without sacrificing their sovereignty like providing incentives instead of restructuring their current policies based from the demands of developed countries. On the other hand, developed countries must watch out for the internal conflicts that globalization might bring into their territory as different social class fight and struggle with one another for dominancy. How to cite Political, Economical, Social Effects of Globalization, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Subliminal Influence In Advertising Essay Example For Students
Subliminal Influence In Advertising Essay Subliminal advertising: A collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services while being integrated below the threshold of perception or awareness. To sell products, merchants consciously use subliminal advertising as a basis for general consumerism. This seems like an unnecessary task, but when taken into consideration all the people, who have expressed their disbelief in its effectiveness, it is obvious to see how vital and necessary such a task commands. Through this, corporations must take on new strategies and methods of persuasion and justification. The importance is that advertisers rely on a trust relationship with consumers in order to successfully subliminally sell products. In other words, those who dont believe in subliminal advertising, are its likely victims. The effect of subliminal advertising on the individual and the culture has been influenced and promoted by many different elements. Let it be magazines, newspapers or radio; but the most prominent in this field is television. Television advertising influences the choices we make, perhaps more so than anyone cares to believe. It may not be so obvious, but even teachers face competition with advertising. Television stations, for example, have some four billion dollars a year from industry to spend on programming for the same students that teachers face. Nicholas Johnson, a former Federal Communications Commission Commissioner from 1966 to 1973 writes that television is diametrically opposed to almost everything a teacher tries to do: TV tells them that the only thing necessary to give them all the joys in life and the values that are important is the acquisition of yet another product. TV is telling them to sit still and dont think. TV is telling them that they are to be treated as a mass. He writes that it is extremely important to understand this force in our society if a teacher is to deal with it. He writes the most important thing to know is that advertising is a business. Johnson continues: It is the business of selling. But what it is in the business of selling is you and your students. You are the product being sold. Who are you be ing sold to? Youre being sold to an advertiser. It is the advertiser who is the consumer in this equation. The advertiser is buying you. The advertiser is buying you from the broadcaster. And why the advertiser is buying you is because he wants you to look at his message; his billboard, his magazine ad, and in this instance, his TV commercial. But in any study of advertising and advertising effects it is difficult to agree on what are clearly examples of advertising and what are clearly not. This is more difficult to do than it seems. Television is an excellent example of why this is so difficult in their attempt to influence purchasing decisions. He writes that the sole purpose of the television programs between the commercials is to act as an attention getting device. The scripts are written to build tension before the commercial to hold the viewers attention during the commercial. He writes that once they have that attention, what is the advertiser trying to sell you? Products? No. Hes trying to sell you a religion. What is it? Its the philosophy known as materialism. If you watch television closely, youll see that theres no real difference between the programs and the commercials. Indeed, if you turn on a television set you often cant tell what it is that youve just turned on. Is it a commercial or a program? Suppose you tune into a Hawaiian beach scene. All right, theres a big hotel in the background and palm trees and theres this brand new car on the beach and this couple strolling across the beach. Now you dont know whether thats going to turn out to be a scene of one of these cops-and-robbers programs or whether its a commercial. It is even more important to note, however, that you dont know what its going to be a commercial for. Thats because every commercial is a commercial for all products. Most of us are aware of the huge amount of sophisticated research generated by the advertising industry to refine its persuasion techniques. We even feel comfor table admidst our advertisement-plagued society. Although subliminal advertising may be effective, the most difficult factor is relaying the message to possible consumers. Such advertising techniques include flash messaging, buzz words, celebrity endorsements, emotion targeting, fear and the oh-so common bandwagon method. .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .postImageUrl , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:hover , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:visited , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:active { border:0!important; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:active , .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46 .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u212b05ece63153bb064308bfb459af46:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Masque Of The Red Death Essay We will write a custom essay on Subliminal Influence In Advertising specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Flash messaging is a common technique where a viewer is influenced by quick images and messages for a very short period of time. The subconscious registers this almost like it never occurred. All of this is pleasing to the eye; flashy colour, or a picture with a sexual innuendo. Another factor would be KISS (Keep It Sweet Simple). All of these affect the success of the ad and the final result for the product at hand. A more cunning way to influence the buyer is to target your emotions. To question yourself is most successful for an advertiser. Although seeing sick hungry children living in a run down village in some 3rd world country may lead to your donating money, there are some ethics involved in purposely tampering with ones emotions. Through all of this, this method of persuasion is most effective. A technique usually described as using buzz words is found more in prints than on television or radio. If we are scrolling through a newspaper and we see an exciting flashy word, our eyes tend to draw towards it. Companies are entirely aware of this, so that is why they flash words on their ads like, FREE, NEW, HURRY. Something about these words makes the reader want to see what the fuss is all about, and to read the companys ad. Not always will there be buzz words embedded into the ad that look flashy. They may not have any significant meaning, but they are added in and seem successful in relaying the message. Words like, homemade, improved, 100%, tasty, and the list goes onEndorsements by celebrities have through the years lost their edge and have mostly looked down upon the endorser. Michael Jordan is selling you Gatorade, Jerry Seinfeld is backing up American Express, and Paul Reiser wants you to use AT;T. The purpose is to subliminally give the product traits that it never even deserves, like wealth, fame, and success. When Michael Jordan is seen drinking Gatorade and then going for a 360-slam dunk, the company wants you to think that you as well are capable of the same feats. Besides the less obvious, there is simply the fact that a company wants a famous celebrity to present a product, rather than some common person. Everybody else is doing it, so why arent you? Using the bandwagon technique for many already established corporations has been quite successful. Companies that have already achieved marvelous success will start using advertisements, suggesting it is second nature to buy the product. As if it had such a high demand rate that without it, life would be dysfunctional. For instance, the new saying from McDonalds is, Did somebody say McDonalds? There is so much behind that quote than what it actually says. It gives you the idea that they are the best, the tastiest, and the most popular, without really even telling you without being up front about it. McDonalds knows that they are successful, so they do not need some cheap gimmick to sell their food, all they have to do is be there, and the people will flock. The Fear technique, where they inform the consumer that not purchasing a certain product will be disastrous on your own self. This technique targets the most primitive emotion; fear. Mostly used on people that are uncomfortable with their self, insecure and believe that they need some personal improving. The most known method would be the BEFORE/AFTER scene, where there is a comparison between an obviously terrible picture and a beautified picture. As Nicholas Johnson indicated, TV sells the great religion known as materialism (p.157). In the media, product acquisition and consumption equate to good health, success, exultation, enchantment, moral righteousness, ethical certainty, trust, faith, superiority, coolness, freedom, liberty, self-esteem, confidence, democracy, etc; quite simply, the most any human could ever hope to attain and more. And ownership is only part of the equationconsumption of the product counts more; and, the acquisition of the product counts even more manifestly. In fact, to attain an even greater sense of good health, success, high standards, moral righteousness, ethical certainty, coolness, self-esteem, confidence, fulfillment, meaning, and absolute purposefulness in life. A person needs only to borrow the money or charge the purchaseThe subliminal advertising effect is probably the most difficult aspect of any study of advertising. The extent of this influence probably cannot be measured. Many componen ts can be analyzed to discover possible effects on human attitudes and behavior, but none can be for certain. .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .postImageUrl , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:hover , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:visited , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:active { border:0!important; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:active , .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422 .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc8f304b9ae09cf84991daf6b61962422:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Symbols Of Christian Art In The Middle Ages EssayWe need to divide the concept advertising into small parts or components in order to analyze that effect. Possible narrow components include: non-verbal communication by models in television commercials, speech tones and its effect in radio commercials, or subliminal words and/or symbols in magazine advertisementsOur way of life involves a lot more than anyone wants to believe. The need for developing individual awareness of the power of advertising is increasing, but it seems that what we consciously perceive of our world is constantly decreasing. The brain has to sort through the overwhelming amount of sensory input data a nd consciously acknowledge only what it deems important or necessary for our immediate survival. Oftentimes our defense mechanisms even keep us from consciously acknowledging data that is necessary for our survival such as piercing through to the message conveyed in subliminal advertising. Even as we are aware of the nature of perceiving, subliminal symbols and/or words in magazine advertisements are difficult to recognize when first attempted. Wilson Key has written, As a culture, North America might well be described as one enormous, complex, magnificent, self-service, subliminal massage parlor. In short, the effect that advertising (whatever this concept might include) has on human buying attitudes and behavior is of almost incomprehensible complexity. Psychology
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